About Us

About Us

Why should you work with us? We will give you the education and guidance to help you manage your money and secure your future.

We are a Boutique Private Advice and Finance Broking firm that specialises in building, maintaining and protecting the wealth of Professionals, Business Owners, Pre-Retirees/Retirees and their families. Our advisers and brokers work with a range of clients, from individuals starting out their careers and families seeking to build and protect wealth for today and in the future, to business owners and companies. By gaining a deep understanding of their needs and priorities we help solve complex and important financial issues they face in life.


In 2011, SA Wealth Management was established by the Director and Principal Advisor, Paul Katranis, after seeing a lack of quality with ongoing service and advice, failing to build the required rapport and understanding of client needs of all demographics. SA Financial Services was established in 2016 to capture clients’ loan needs as the practice saw an opportunity to deliver higher quality communications, support and credit advice in their lending needs. 2018 saw the establishment of SA Tax and Accounting Services to ensure that our existing and new clients would have access to qualified professionals in managing their taxation and accounting affairs. Presently, our team consists of a number of accredited individuals in an adviser/broker role, qualified tax and BAS agent/accountant and a team of full-time support staff to assist with the business’s day-to-day operations. With all companies now operating under the SA Wealth Group trademark, we continue to work on expanding our services to provide a truly complete and holistic financial services business.

How we work

Understanding You
  • Values & goals
Your Wealth Foundations
  • Your Investable Wealth (What you’ve got to work with –What you Earn / Spend / Own / Owe)
  • Investing to reach your Goals (how much, what to invest in & in whose name)
  • Managing your Debt (The Right type of loans / savings / c-cards accounts, investment loans)
  • Protecting your Lifestyle (Emergency Fund, Lifestyle Protection Fund, ‘Assisted Living Plan’ and ‘When I am Gone Plan’ – what you need / want, getting it setup)
  • Your Retirement Fund (Super cleaned up, setup properly, salary sacrifice, Self Managed Super options, Transition to Retirement strategies)
  • Using Tax to your Advantage (deductions & liabilities, working with your accountant)

Your Wealth Plan – Path to Success

  • Present & sign your formal plan

Your Wealth Plan – Making it happen

  • Change Super/Insurance/Debt (if needed)
  • Spending Reports
  • Investment Implementation
  • Goal Tracking meetings

Your Wealth Plan – Keeping you on track

  • Re-visit Values & Goals
  • Earn / Spend / Own / Owe
  • Your Goals – Are you on track
  • Make changes if necessary

Complex made simple​

We provide you with the education you need to clearly understand your financial strategies.

You are unique​

We create a personalised financial plan that is unique to your situation and goals.

Accountability Partner

We help you stay on track at every stage of life, throughout all the challenges and victories.

How we help

At SA Wealth Group, our goal is to help you reach your potential, whether you are just getting started, building your wealth, preparing for retirement or enjoying life after work.

Get started and set your family up for success

Whether you are starting your first job, buying your first home, starting a family or saving for something special, we want to help give you the best start to your financial journey.

How we can help:

  • Set-up a budget to manage your cashflow.
  • Review your insurance arrangements and provide recommendations for your growing family.
  • Identify lending options to buy or renovate your home.
  • Identify investment strategies to help you save for long term goals like your childrens’ education.
  • Make recommendations about your super arrangements including personal contributions, salary sacrifice, co-contributions and spouse contributions.
  • Recommend if you need to create a Will and an estate plan.

Build wealth and pursue your goals

Life’s really busy now and although retirement is still quite a way off, you want to know that your financial future is secure. This is a time when we can help you build on your financial foundations.

How we can help:

  • Set-up a budget to manage your cashflow.
  • Review your insurance arrangements and provide recommendations.
  • Identify investment strategies to help you build a passive income and save for the long term.
  • Make recommendations about your super arrangements including personal contributions, salary sacrifice, co-contributions and spouse contributions.
  • Advise on strategies to minimise tax
  • Recommend if you need to create a Will and an estate plan.
  • Succession planning recommendations for your business.
  • Dealing with a redundancy.

Prepare for retirement and beyond

Retirement is on the horizon and you are dreaming about all the wonderful things you are going to see and do in your life after work. Putting the right plans in place while you are still working will give you the comfort of knowing that your future is under control.

How we can help:

  • Identify your retirement goals.
    Review your income and cashflow requirements.
  • Assess how much super you have and when you can access it.
  • Find ways to grow your retirement income
  • Put plans in place to make your money last in retirement.
  • Determine when you can apply for the age pension.
  • Review your estate plan.
  • Succession planning recommendations for your business.
  • Dealing with a redundancy.

Make the most of retirement

You are enjoying life after work and all the opportunities that this exciting time in your life presents. At this time in your life you want to know you are going to have the finances to support your adventures and perhaps even leave a legacy so you can share your wealth now and in the future.

How we can help:

  • Identify how long your money will last by looking at your income and assets and how they are structured.
  • Identify if your finances are structured to maximise government benefits.
  • Look at ways to minimise any tax you pay in retirement.
  • Recommend superannuation income stream strategies including annuities and pensions
  • Review your estate plan.
  • Advise on aged care financial strategies.